Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sometimes life is like... a rip in your favorite shirt

Since I've been unemployed--or on job vacation--I've been substitute teaching in my former high school. Let's be honest: it is an easy way to make money. And believe it or not, I actually remember a lot of the things I learned in high school.

For the past three days, I've been subbing for high school history. As you remember with my last post, I have a passion for fashion, so having a reason to get dressed up is actually kind of fun to me.

This morning I decided to wear my favorite pink sweater. I should have known this was a mistake because if truth be told, I have a tendency of sweating...a lot. Nevertheless, I did and went to school. During second hour another teacher came into my classroom. After standing there for a couple of minutes, she asked me to go out in the hall with her. She turned me around and pointed out a huge hole across my left shoulder blade. I wish I could say I was making a fashion statement, but unfortunately, I wasn't.

After a quick rush home (thank goodness I live within 3 minutes of the school), I was back in action teaching about the Civil War--just in a different shirt.

I guess I realized something today: when you think you look cute, maybe you should take another, closer look. If I did, I would have seen what everyone else in not one, but two classes saw--a big gaping hole. Oops!

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