Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Blog, New Job?

Let me start off this blog by proposing a question: what do you want to be when you grow up?

I can't count the number of times I've been asked that. And over the years, my answer has significantly changed. I used to want my own newspaper route. There was about a year where I wanted to be a boy. I dabbled with the idea of being a teacher. Through all my years of tumbling and dance, I thought I was training for the Olympics.

Then in high school, it hit me. I wanted to be a lawyer. I liked talking, arguing and, truth be told, being in the middle of all the action. Well, if I learned one thing my freshman year at the University of Illinois, it was that I no longer wanted to be a lawyer. So I figured journalism would be the next best thing... I could still talk, I could probably still argue and I could definitely still be in the middle of all the action.

Five and a half years, a bachelor's and master's degree later, here I am. Unemployed. Living back at home. With my parents. Looking for a job. Great.

As you read in my description, this blog will chronicle my job hunting process. Yes, we all know America is slowly climbing out of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Yes, we all know unemployment is at an all-time high. And if you're even remotely familiar with Illinois, then yes, you know the state is about to fall on top of itself.

While all those circumstances are less than ideal for a bright-eyed, optimistic, 20-something, I'm going to take the job search in stride. I hope 2011 provides me with a new job, because I'm so ready to work hard...and to still have a little fun, too.

The remainder of my posts will range from my experience applying for journalism jobs; the hilarity of living with my parents (new roomies) again; a few personal accounts of the bizarre things that seem to only happen in my small, southern Illinois town; and all the ups-and-downs that happen along the way.

I hope you're able to live with and laugh along with Laura!

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